Desde México, el poeta y traductor Pedro Serrano nos reenvía el siguiente pedido de Richard Berengarten (foto: Melanie Rein), poeta y profesor británico, que lleva adelante un ambicioso proyecto multilingüe.
Volta: A Multilingual Anthology
Dear friends and colleagues,
I hope the information in this email is of interest. The first phase of the Volta project is now up and running in issue 9 of the International Literary Quarterly, just published at http://interlitq.org/issue9/volta/job.php. The anthology is a celebration of multilingualism and diversity. It consists of seventy-five poems in seventy-five contemporary languages. Each poem is a version of asingle poem. That is to say, seventy-four of them are translations. Maria Filippakopuolou's fine essay in the same issue, 'Foreign in our own country', is closely linked to the project. http://interlitq.org/issue9/filippakopoulou/job.php.
If you are involved in contemporary poetry, translation, translation theory,
languages and/or linguistics, there is a likelihood that this material may beof interest /relevance. If so, please do consider passing this information onto other friends and colleagues. The project is set to continue. I am looking
for more languages to add to it, as the following paragraph in the introductionmakes clear: I intend to go on gathering translations of "Volta" into more languages. Ihope that a future expanded version of this anthology will be published at a
later date, possibly as a book. I would especially like to include moretranslations from African languages, Asian languages including the Indiansubcontinent, languages indigenous to Australasia and North and South America,languages of transhumant and nomadic cultures, languages of small pockets,valleys and islands of speakers, and, above all, languages that are threatenedwith extinction. Readers who would like to be involved in further developing, helping and advising in any way and with any aspects of this multilingualproject are invited to send an email to berengarten@cantab.net.
I shall be happy to hear from you if you can suggest more languages, and the
names and contact details and possible translators, or if you have any othercomments or suggestions.
With warm and cordial greetings
Richard B* *
*Richard Berengarten (Burns)
(Bye-Fellow, Downing College, Cambridge)
51a Argyle Street Cambridge CB1 3LS UKTel: +44 (0) 1223 212973
Email: berengarten@cantab.net
Website: http://www.berengarten.com/site/
Profile: http://www.interlitq.org/staff/richard_berengarten/bio.php
I hope the information in this email is of interest. The first phase of the Volta project is now up and running in issue 9 of the International Literary Quarterly, just published at http://interlitq.org/issue9/volta/job.php. The anthology is a celebration of multilingualism and diversity. It consists of seventy-five poems in seventy-five contemporary languages. Each poem is a version of asingle poem. That is to say, seventy-four of them are translations. Maria Filippakopuolou's fine essay in the same issue, 'Foreign in our own country', is closely linked to the project. http://interlitq.org/issue9/filippakopoulou/job.php.
If you are involved in contemporary poetry, translation, translation theory,
languages and/or linguistics, there is a likelihood that this material may beof interest /relevance. If so, please do consider passing this information onto other friends and colleagues. The project is set to continue. I am looking
for more languages to add to it, as the following paragraph in the introductionmakes clear: I intend to go on gathering translations of "Volta" into more languages. Ihope that a future expanded version of this anthology will be published at a
later date, possibly as a book. I would especially like to include moretranslations from African languages, Asian languages including the Indiansubcontinent, languages indigenous to Australasia and North and South America,languages of transhumant and nomadic cultures, languages of small pockets,valleys and islands of speakers, and, above all, languages that are threatenedwith extinction. Readers who would like to be involved in further developing, helping and advising in any way and with any aspects of this multilingualproject are invited to send an email to berengarten@cantab.net.
I shall be happy to hear from you if you can suggest more languages, and the
names and contact details and possible translators, or if you have any othercomments or suggestions.
With warm and cordial greetings
Richard B* *
*Richard Berengarten (Burns)
(Bye-Fellow, Downing College, Cambridge)
51a Argyle Street Cambridge CB1 3LS UKTel: +44 (0) 1223 212973
Email: berengarten@cantab.net
Website: http://www.berengarten.com/site/
Profile: http://www.interlitq.org/staff/richard_berengarten/bio.php
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